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Last Degree obtained from IITR —Please choose an option—BEB.Arch.B.Tech.DiplomaIntegrated Dual Degree (IDD)Integrated M.Tech. (IMT)Integrated M.Sc. (IMS)MEM.Sc.M.Arch.MURPM.Tech.M.B.A.Ph.D.
Department/Centre —Please choose an option—Architecture and PlanningApplied Science and EngineeringBiosciences and BioengineeringCentre of Excellence in Disaster Mitigation & Management (CoEDMM)Centre for Transportation Systems (CTRANS)Centre of NanotechnologyChemical EngineeringChemistryCivil EngineeringComputer Science and EngineeringDesignEarthquake EngineeringEarth SciencesElectrical EngineeringElectronics and Communication EngineeringHumanities and Social SciencesHydrologyHydro and Renewable EnergyManagement StudiesMathematicsMechanical and Industrial EngineeringMetallurgical and Materials EngineeringPaper TechnologyPolymer and Process EngineeringPhysicsWater Resources Development and Management
Year of Graduation
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