Our Mission
Our mission is to provide a platform for furthering the interests of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) community. That includes the Alumni in UK and Europe, the students, staff and other stakeholders of the various IITs.
Who We Are
The Indian Institute of Technology – Alumni Association UK is a pan – IIT group representing Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) alumni resident in UK, The idea was originally initiated by a small group of IITians resident in London and held its first general meeting towards the end of 2002. It now serves as a focal point for alumni from all the IITs living in the UK.
What We Do
We are an alumni association of students from the IIT’s (Indian Institute of Technology).
We organize events regularly for our members. The events could be social events (sports, picnics, dinners) where our members and their families can network. We also organize evening seminars in subjects which interest our members.
We also have an annual conference where industry and academia from the UK interact with industry and academia from India.
We are a charity organization and we collect donations to fund scholarships for students at the IIT’s and other programs.
We also run mentorship programmes to help our alumni.
How We Are Organised and Funded
The Chapter is run by an elected Committee representing alumni from all the IITs. The activities are based on a Constitution that is kept at the offices of IITUK AA. We try to keep in touch with alumni through e-mail and through our web-site.
All our events so far have been self financing, i.e. we cover our costs.
We work with our Corporate sponsors who help us financially.
Committee members work voluntarily and give their time and resources free of charge.
We have an nominal membership fee in order to cover overheads such as administrative expenses. You can either pay this annually or be a life member.
For additional information, please contact any of the committee members listed below.
Your Contribution to the community Starts Here
Be a part of the community to help each other and your Alma Mater. It is a voluntary body so contributors are needed to also help out with developing the community itself.